War in Ukraine, a proliferation of natural disasters, lockdown in China, tensions around Taiwan and Korea, shortages of materials and components, rising energy prices, the return of inflation, threats of recession, the rise of nationalism… In an increasingly uncertain environment, it is the very model of globalization and the global Supply Chain that is being questioned. While companies have become aware of the complexity of their Supply Chains, of their fragility and dependence, and even of their unpreparedness to deal with events, it is now time to adapt and rise to the new challenges of geopolitics and global warming This 4th edition of the KYU Supply Chain Risk Barometer, conducted in partnership with Arts & Métiers, France Supply Chain and AMRAE, is an opportunity to take the pulse of the Supply Chain, to measure the changes in the risks to which it is exposed, to assess the maturity of organizations to address the new challenges, to identify and share trends and best practices in terms of control.