Kyu Kyu


Address changing professions

Adapt employment and training systems to meet the challenges of changes in professions and recruitment. Create career paths that promote employee mobility and employability.

stock marches escaliers colorés

Our vision

Get the most out of the systems in place


While digitalization and the ecological transition are causing jobs to evolve significantly, career paths are less and less linear.
We are committed to developing attractive career paths that promote the employability of employees and the recognition of their skills.

Our multi-sector experience and detailed knowledge of employment-training systems and issues – skills’ blocks, AFEST, Transco, POEC, etc. – enable us to select the most relevant solutions.

Skills mobilized

Pragmatic solutions to meet your job challenges


Assess the balance between supply and demand

Evaluate and anticipate the skills’ needs of companies

Map the existing initial and continuing training offer

Measure the gaps between the number of people trained and the recruitment needs of companies

Identify mismatches in terms of territory, methods, content and volume of training


Build robust and standardized reference systems

Run workshops with professionals to gain a better understanding of their realities

Carry out a semantic analysis of job offers to supplement existing literature

Standardise skills to facilitate the development of career paths and the mobility of professionals

Formalise skills reference systems to meet regulatory requirements


Structure potential career paths

Identify current pathways and map the training offer that supports them

Structure certifications (in France, CQP, CCP) at branch and training organization level, in skills’ blocks

Create adapted tools for companies, employees and branches: e-certif, interactive mapping, dynamic data hubs


Formulate convergence strategies

Specify training needs: educational content, methods and recognition of acquired skills

Define an action plan to respond to changes in professions and career paths

Identify the mechanisms and funding to be mobilized

Support the deployment and implementation of strategies as a project management assistant (PMA)


Experts available and committed to your transformation


Founding partner

Bernard Alberti


Founding partner

Franck Le Bail



Julien Fraillon

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