As part of the roll-out of a preventive health program aimed at professional branches, our client – a French company specializing in social protection – called on our firm to help manage the project.
The aim: to promote the preventive health service to stakeholders and support its deployment
Main achievements
Defining and managing a program deployment strategy
Our consultants helped the customer to define a deployment management dashboard. Based on the customer’s available data, several indicators were developed to measure the performance and effectiveness of the new service launch. Based on this data, decision-making and communication tools were formalized, enabling project administrators to prioritize actions for deployment.
Our consultants also supported the customer in implementing an action plan aimed at engaging the program’s community of prescribers: proposals for the organization of an event and reflection on the strategy to be deployed to engage the community and increase its visibility.
Finally, KYU consultants carried out a competitive analysis to identify opportunities for developing the program. A benchmark of the insurance market enabled us to identify initiatives aimed at professionals, and to anticipate future developments (regulations, digital developments, economic and social factors). Putting the project into perspective through the market context enabled us to prove the concept and validate the marketing strategies defined by our customer.
Key figures
Results one year after launch
85,000 companies benefiting from the service
1 million employees concerned