The strategic plan of our client, a leading international environmental group, calls for the development of a large number of new offers, based on experiments currently underway.
The Risk Department needs to assess the risks involved in order to plan possible adjustments to these insurance coverages, and to deploy prevention and reduction plans for major business risks.
Main achievements
Assessing the need for changes to liability insurance cover
Our first task was to structure a reference framework for the Group’s civil and environmental liability risks, adapted to the business lines and market constraints of its activities.
We conducted interviews with the key stakeholders in charge of developing new activities as part of the Group’s evolving strategy.
With their help, we assessed the risks and evaluated the effectiveness of the control systems in terms of existing skills, processes deployed, technologies mastered and controls implemented.
We then analyzed the insurance policies in place, and identified gaps in coverage in the light of changes in the risk profile over the next 3-5 years.
Finally, in collaboration with our client’s broker, we drew up recommendations on the evolution of policy wording and coverage limits to cover the new risks.
Key figures:
15 new activities analyzed
+ over 100 risks identified
1 complete mapping of liability risks