The 2018 reform led to the reorganisation of public institutions in charge of professional training, now focused around coherent economic sectors. Thus, the newly named “opérateurs de compétences”, or OPCOs, bring various professional branches around the table. Each of them may be required to provide information on its employment and training policies (prospective studies, branch reports, etc.), but is free to use different methodologies (depending on whether there is a branch observatory or not, different data cultures, etc.).
The general context of change in different industries encourages joint and shared approaches. There are many issues at stake: being able to gain a clearer picture of employment and training issues across sectors, of employment dynamics, of possible links and bridges between professions, of joint initiatives that could be put in place, and so on.
By focusing on the issues of data collection and training, the present project had a dual objective. Firstly, to identify and create statistical and cross-sectoral portrait indicators to provide input for social partners. Secondly, to translate these indicators into operational reports in order to provide an initial understanding of the data for all parties involved in employment and training.
Main achievements
- Inventory of branch statistical portraits: identification and analysis of data collection methodologies and content
- Common data base: validation of shared indicators for cross-sectoral analysis of professional branches
- Branch and regional statistical portraits: standard formats and content application on different branches
Key figures :
130 indicators identified within different sectors, which can be categorised into 5 families of data: Employees, Companies and establishments, Economy, Employment, Training, etc.
30 reports produced in 2 months, consolidating approximately fifty indicators, broken down by branch, by region and by training scheme.