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Designing internal training and career paths

Careers & Education Studies
Designing internal training and career paths

As part of its cycle dedicated to “GEPP” (Gestion des Emplois et des Parcours Professionnels), the KYU team organized a webinar aimed at designing internal training and career paths to meet both employee aspirations and company needs.

The replay is available via the following link: If you would like to receive resources (industry documents, templates, job proximity matrices, etc.) to help you identify your job paths and gateways, please contact us at the following address:

To implement a GEPP initiative, the first essential step is to draw up a reference framework of professions and skills. On this basis, training paths and associated gateways can be developed in 4 stages:

  • Identify which jobs to prioritize within the company;
  • Involve employees in the construction of mobility paths by gathering their professional aspirations;
  • Measure the feasibility of gateways by building a skills gap analysis matrix;
  • Build career paths by matching company needs and employee aspirations

During this webinar, we provided a number of tips to facilitate the conduct of this type of exercise, and gave concrete advice on how to:

  • Address priorities by classifying professions according to categories such as: emerging, in tension, undergoing transformation, fragile, core, strategic…
  • Use the gateways identified to communicate with employees on potential career paths;
  • Update the catalog of training courses included in the skills development plan;
  • Identify available mechanisms and funding, depending on the size and situation of the company.

Our cycle of webinars devoted to GEPP continues. The next one will be dedicated to employer branding, and will take place on December 12, 2024 (free registration here).

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