Employment and skills
Respond to skills' needs
A detailed knowledge of professions, an understanding of their dynamics and the identification of HR issues are strategic to adapt skills to the needs of companies and sectors.

Our vision
Pragmatic answers to your HR challenges
Today, companies and sectors are faced with numerous HR challenges: recruitment tensions, attractiveness, retention, employer brand, job changes, telecommuting, retraining, etc. Forward planning of employment and skills needs has thus become essential and must be carried out continuously at the level of both companies and professional branches.
This requires an exhaustive mapping of existing skills and their evolution. A good understanding of the technical and soft skills of the future is necessary to structure relevant HR approaches in line with field challenges.
Skills mobilized
Operational knowledge to meet your HR challenges
Identify needs in terms of jobs and skills
Acquire solid knowledge on sectors of activity, their professions and skills
Implement a tried-and-tested approach to map out employments and skills mapping and plan forward, and conduct surveys of the populations concerned
Evaluate recruitment needs and identify emerging skills
Establish links between market evolutions and skills needed
Evaluate business dynamics
Establish links between objective criteria and public statistics
Understand the origins, the nature and possibly the specificities of these dynamics through a qualitative field approach
Take into account challenges related to specific professions to propose adapted and tailor-made responses
Build a global and horizontal approach to help professionals make informed choices between competing sectors of activity
Build and adapt employment-training public systems
Mobilize several sectors and players around key challenges (e-mobility, hydrogen, digital, etc.)
Structure fields of activities to help them build common strategies to develop the skills of tomorrow
Evaluate employment and training policies and systems
Develop indicators to assess the effectiveness of current systems in relation to the objectives previously defined
Understand the reasons for the success or failure of a program
Propose adaptations to optimize current systems and improve the response to the challenges you meet