OPCO Mobilités, the French institution in charge of professional training in the mobility/transportation sectors, wanted to set up actions to bring the economic and training worlds closer together at all levels. The suitability of these actions also had to be analyzed in order to adapt the available offer and develop the attractiveness of these professions.
The first action consisted in providing an overview of the qualifications leading to mobility jobs, and was entrusted to KYU. The aim was to identify which skills or jobs were not covered by the current range of qualifications and to adapt/add to them where necessary to meet the needs of companies. It was also meant to facilitate student guidance and help mobility industries develop career paths.
Main achievements
Complete mapping of qualifications leading to jobs in the mobility sector, based on various data sources
Linking identified qualifications with existing professions in OPCO Mobilités branches, and with the schools and training centres offering them
Creation of an interactive map of qualifications (PowerBi): filters available to search by department, branch, trade, qualification, etc.
Analysis of whether the current range of qualifications meets companies’ needs (surveys and interviews).
Key figures :
300 professions in the perimeter
800 assimilated certifications
9,100 training centres identified